E-Drive Technology
Automotive Telematics, Fleet Management and Fuel Management Systems

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GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) - Case Study

Fleet Management System

ICT Department

East Africa Portland Cement Co. Ltd

P.O.Box 20-00204



Dear Sir,

Ref: Africa Fleet Management Solutions

We gave been using your fleet management system for the last two years. We started with a pilot project of 22 vehicles and we have seen a tremendous change in the overall performance of our drivers. There has been a drastic reduction in the number of accidents, which means our down time is greatly reduced.

We have been able to keep track of our sales force and the vehicle performance at all given times resulting into cutting down on running costs and increased efficiency.

We are quite satisfied with your services and we would not hesitate to provide references.


Yours faithfully,



Sales Force Effectiveness Manager, East Africa


EDT Products

Fleet Management Software
Fleet Management System
Fuel Management System
Automotive Telematics
Vehicle Telematics
Online Vehicle Tracking

EDT Solutions

Fleet Management Solutions
Fleet Management Systems
Fuel Management Solutions
Fuel Management Systems
Security & Safety

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