E-Drive Technology
Automotive Telematics, Fleet Management and Fuel Management Systems

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The Dutch Postal Service - Case Study

Fleet Management and Telematics

The Dutch Postal Service required a way to monitor and improve the fuel economy of its fleet as well as the performance of its employees in terms of drivers’ safety and on-time delivery. Careless driving behavior was causing excessive accidents and massive wear and tear of the vehicles of the postal service. Customer satisfaction was low due to late or un-delivered packages and letters. The Dutch postal service was seeking a long term solution for the two troubling problems.


The E-Drive Technology Fleet Management Solution

 EDT worked with the Dutch Postal Service to create a set of parameters that defined good driver and delivery performance. After defining these characteristics, a mathematical algorithm was developed to score the performance of each postal worker during each driving shift.

At the end of each day a special report was generated for all drivers which depicted their overall driving and delivery scores. Along with additional details provided by the drivers regarding the performance versus the individual parameters, we were able to see the full picture and recommend what changes need to be made.

In the first year after implementation, driving, delivery performance and fuel economy were significantly improved and resulted in 12% savings in transportation and maintenance cost.


EDT Products

Fleet Management Software
Fleet Management System
Fuel Management System
Automotive Telematics
Vehicle Telematics
Online Vehicle Tracking

EDT Solutions

Fleet Management Solutions
Fleet Management Systems
Fuel Management Solutions
Fuel Management Systems
Security & Safety

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