E-Drive Technology
Automotive Telematics, Fleet Management and Fuel Management Systems

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The F1 automotive grade fleet management solution


About the F1 FMS

The F1 is available with an internal 2G or 3G modem with support for an expansion module for additional functionality. The F1 includes on-board CAN Bus J1939 support as well as support for a large selection of proprietary CAN Bus protocols to provide a robust set of vehicle and driver behavior events and alerts.

F1 FMS Main Features

  • Internal 2.5G, 3G GSM/GPRS or external RF modem for off-line applications
  • Supports five digital inputs + ignition, three digital outputs, and two A/D inputs.
  • On-board functions include CAN Bus transceiver, immobilizer, buzzer, and accelerometer.
  • Fully integrated with WorldFleetLog to generate hundreds of reports

F1 FMS Brochure
Click to download  F1 Brochure (1.3 Mb)

EDT Products

Fleet Management Software
Fleet Management System
Fuel Management System
Automotive Telematics
Vehicle Telematics
Online Vehicle Tracking

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Fleet Management Systems
Fuel Management Solutions
Fuel Management Systems
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