E-Drive Technology
Automotive Telematics, Fleet Management and Fuel Management Systems

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Fleet Management App for iPhone, iPad & Android Devices

Fleet Management on the Go!

The latest WorldFleet release includes access to fuel tank level information provided by EDT's FuelLog2 fuel management system.

World Fleet provides subscribers access to EDT's WorldFleetLog Web Application and the following features:

  • Secure login to the WorldFleetLog server
  • Select vehicles and devices based on WorldFleetLog settings
  • Quickly acquire vehicle information including driver, current speed, odometer reading and GPS status
  • Focus on specified vehicle or device location anywhere in the world
  • Send commands to selected device
  • Events view
  • Track selected device

World Fleet is now available in the following versions:

   iPhone WFLMobile

EDT Products

Fleet Management Software
Fleet Management System
Fuel Management System
Automotive Telematics
Vehicle Telematics
Online Vehicle Tracking

EDT Solutions

Fleet Management Solutions
Fleet Management Systems
Fuel Management Solutions
Fuel Management Systems
Security & Safety

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