E-Drive Technology
Automotive Telematics, Fleet Management and Fuel Management Systems

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Fuel Management System

Independent Fuel Management System

Fuel Management System
Fuel Management System


FuelLog is an independent fuel management system to control private or internal fuel stations and tankers. With FuelLog, fleet managers can effectively track fuel dispensing and fuel consumption. Based on locally available vehicle and driver identification data, this computerized system controls the refueling of vehicles via GPRS, GSM, WiFi, or RF communications.

The FuelLog2 fuel management system offers two refueling scenarios based on the order of driver and vehicle identification. Available options include manually recording odometer, engine hour and project number. It is also possible to automatically record odometer and engine hour data using EDT’s SmartMile device. Additional options include fuel depot delivery and management.

FuelLog is fully integrated with the following EDT products:

  • SmartMile - to automatically record odometer and engine hour data 
  • WorldFleetLog - a Web-based Fleet Management application with integrated analysis of FuelLog data based on user-defined parameters

Download FuelLog™ Brochure:
Click to download  EDT - FuelLog2 (281.6 Kb)

EDT Products

Fleet Management Software
Fleet Management System
Fuel Management System
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Fuel Management Solutions
Fuel Management Systems
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