E-Drive Technology
Automotive Telematics, Fleet Management and Fuel Management Systems

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Vehicle Telematics and Asset Tracker

Economically priced Fleet Management System

Universal Unit 3: Professional Fleet Management System

The Universal Unit 3 is a GPS/GSM/GPRS geographic locator designed for public or private fleet management applications where high performance and reliability are primary considerations. With an integrated analog to digital input, the UU3 supports fuel level monitoring where required.

The UU3 is delivered with a 2G modem as the standard option. A GSM+UTMS 3G modem is available under a separate part number and pricing.

Featuring internal antennas, the UU3 is a compact, easy-to-install vehicle tracking device. Designed for passenger vehicles and trucks, the UU3 provides real-time vehicle location and enhanced driver security features including automatically triggered hijack alerts.

The UU3 supports up to 2 RIM devices for enhanced anti-theft security, while WorldFleetLog can also support an additional tracking device hidden in the vehicle.

The Universal Unit 3 is completely integrated with EDT’s WorldFleetLog Web-based tracking and monitoring solution. Input from the Universal Unit 3 displays the real-time on-map vehicle location. WorldFleetLog can then generate real time alerts and reports regarding vehicle location, driver behavior, and a wide variety of business management oriented reports.

Generated Reports based on user-defined parameters are easily accessed by designated fleet managers.

The UU3 is also supported by the World Fleet mobile application. World Fleet provides subscribers mobile access to EDT’s WorldFleetLog application and supports SMS commands, vehicle location, as well as many of the WorldFleetLog fleet management functions.


EDT Products

Fleet Management Software
Fleet Management System
Fuel Management System
Automotive Telematics
Vehicle Telematics
Online Vehicle Tracking

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Fleet Management Solutions
Fleet Management Systems
Fuel Management Solutions
Fuel Management Systems
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